Typhoid Fever Natural Remedy.

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Mix Garlic,Lemon Juice,Fresh Pawpaw Leaf And Activated Charcoal,Drink The Mixture Daily For 7 Days To Cure Typhoid Fever


When you have fever and other flu-like symptoms, you might worry that you’re coming down with a bad case of the flu. However, you may not need to panic just yet. There are many things that can cause similar symptoms. One of them is typhoid fever. In this article, we will talk about everything you need to know about typhoid fever and how to cure it.

What is typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever is a bacterial infection caused by Salmonella enteric a samovar Ty phi. It is a highly contagious disease, which is found in every part of the world. It is also known as enteric fever, or intestinal fever. This disease is caused by an organism called Salmonella typhoid. The organism enters the body after consuming contaminated food or water. People who travel to areas with poor sanitation are at risk of contracting it.

Symptoms of typhoid fever

The symptoms of typhoid fever are similar to other common infections like a cold or the flu. They include fever, weakness, loss of appetite, stomach pains, headache, and a general feeling of being unwell. If left untreated, it can lead to complications that may require treatment in hospital. Infection in the blood vessels – The bacteria can spread to the blood vessels, causing blood clots and inflammation. This can lead to inflammation of the brains and spinal cord. Infection in the kidneys – The kidneys can become inflamed due to the bacteria spreading there. This can lead to kidney failure and damage to the urinary system. Infection in the liver – The liver can also become inflamed due to bacterial infection. This can lead to jaundice, where the skin and eyes turn yellow due to the build-up of bilirubin in the blood.


How to diagnose typhoid fever?

A doctor can diagnose typhoid fever by taking a medical history and doing a physical exam. They may also order certain blood tests to rule out other infectious diseases that can cause similar symptoms like typhoid fever. A stool test can also confirm if you have typhoid fever. However, the results may not be accurate if taken more than 14 days after symptoms appear.

How to prevent typhoid fever?

The best way to prevent typhoid fever is by following basic hygiene rules. After visiting a country where typhoid fever is prevalent, you should wash your hands with soap and water frequently. This can help prevent the spread of infection. You should also avoid eating or drinking food and water that isn’t clean. You should also avoid sharing personal items like toothbrushes and cutlery.

Tips to cure the common symptoms of typhoid fever

– Rest Aids in curing headaches and exhaustion caused by typhoid fever. It also helps in recovering faster from the disease. – Maintain a balanced diet Eating a well-balanced diet helps in recovering from the disease faster. – Drink plenty of fluids Intake of fluids helps in replacing the lost fluids and electrolytes faster. – Take antibiotics as prescribed Antibiotics are the best way to treat typhoid fever. They kill the bacteria causing the disease. – Stay away from stress Staying away from stress helps in recovering from the disease faster. – Avoid smoking Smoking can slow down the healing process.



Typhoid fever is an infection that can be cured with antibiotics. You should follow the above tips to treat the common symptoms of typhoid fever. You should also clean your surroundings while recovering from typhoid fever. This will prevent other people from getting affected by the disease.

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