Spiritual Use Of Taameawu/Leaf Of Life.

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Have you ever had spiritual problems? Are you looking for a spiritual cure for yourself and your family members? If so you’re not alone. There are millions of people who are spiritually sick.Spiritual sickness is described as the loss of a sense of peace, health, and well-being. Makes you tired, weak, sad and unhappy with life. Even though a lot of people has been afflicted with spirit malady but there is no need to fear because there are spiritual cures that can help eliminate evil spirits from our bodies.Truth is that when you’re happy with your life, nothing can make you miserable right? Wrong.

You forget that, it’s not everyday that we face mental disorders and people inflicting pains on us causing us to feel bad about our lives. Sometimes, instead of hiding our feeling, we need to be strong and be protected from the forces of evil making threats to ruin our image not just socially but mentally too.I have been through heart break when I was younger and my heart races fast most of the time. Spiritually we have been taught to avoid salt, sugar and other things like that, but there is an exception for Taameawu. Taameawu is a species found in many African nations and it is used for either protection or healing. The leaf of this plant can be used to make ‘Aquarium San” .Mix the Taameawu leaves with ordinary sea salt and add it in water. Use it to bathe for 7 days before sleeping. This was what I used to ensure my safety and it worked perfectly.The leaf of life is termed as a spirit.It is one of the important leaves in the practice of spiritual use. Spirit have been given so many names some are named by a single letter such as A and others with words like witch,evil,water spirit,deomons etc but each has a special features.

Taameawu is a protective leaf used in Nigeria by witch doctors to protect anybody from harm as it has the power to keep bad spirits from harming you. Taameawu is a supernatural leaf that protects you while it still gives you time to talk your enemies out of any evil intention they have against you.The leaf of life contains vitamins C and D. The leaf is also used to treat asthma,idiabetes, sickle cell disease and the list goes on. Moreso, leaves can help in the treatment of anthrax, cholera and meningitis.Taa-meawu is the common name of a plant that when ingested can protect your body against diseases, particularly those affecting the blood. Also, eating the leaves of Taa-meawu has other benefits.Have you ever had spiritual problems? Are you looking for a spiritual cure for yourself and your family members? If so you’re not alone. There are millions of people who are spiritually sick.Spiritual sickness is described as the loss of a sense of peace, health, and well-being. Makes you tired, weak, sad and unhappy with life. Even though a lot of people has been afflicted with spirit malady but there is no need to fear because there are spiritual cures that can help eliminate evil spirits from our bodies.

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