Organic Forest Honey.

Organic Forest Honey.




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Bee is an insect that God loves a lot that He blessed people with it with a purpose to use it for remedy and recuperation of any ailment/sickness

For reference purpose, test Quran sixteen Verse 68 – sixty-nine God created an insect, He is known as its call Bee, He ordered it to stay in the hollow of bushes and in the rock with the authority of recuperation.

The Quran even made it recognized that if we deal with any contamination and there may be no recuperation, we have to attempt to use honey.

In an equal manner, the Bible testifies to the use of honey in Proverbs 24 verse 13. “My son, devour thou, honey, due to the fact it’s miles good, and honeycomb, which is nice to thy taste”

The book of Psalms additionally corroborates the efficacy of honey on recuperation; Psalm eighty-one verse sixteen: “He should have

fed them additionally with the greatest of the wheat and with honey out of the rock have to O have glad thee.”

The book of Luke 24 verses 42 – forty-three says: “ And they gave him a bit of broiled fish and of honeycomb, and He took it and He did devour earlier than them.

I thank Almighty God for his mercy on me and my own circle of relatives and I thank all my clients who’ve offered all my preceding books on honey. May God bless you and improve your purse ( Amen)


If you always have dull moments in your place of business or in a shop. People are not patronizing you as expected and by the end of the month you are expected to pay for your office accommodation or your shop rent.


Go and get Ugwu leaves, grind them with soap, mix them with one tablespoonful of honey. Put them in a plastic plate and always use it to bathe every day. Before you finish the soap, by the grace of God you will have cause to thank God


Many vocational bosses desire to have apprentices. It is a good thing and a pride to be a boss with plenty of apprentices.

A boss who does not have apprentices working under him will never be recognized and people may not patronize him or her as expected.


For those who want apprentices in his or her shop. Please buy salt, sugar ( non granulated), sugarcane, and corn cake ( Aadun). Get Lux soap, salt, three cubes of sugar, sugarcane, parched corn, grind them together and mix them with three tablespoons of honey.

Always bathe with this soap before going to your shop or office. By the grace of God, the door of blessings will be opened to you.


Stomach ache is a sickness that kills fast if it is not properly treated. Some illnesses such as diarrhea, pile and dysentery may cause stomach ache for a person. When a person does not excrete

( pass feces) as at when due, this can be a cause for stomach ache.

Let us call a spade a spade,, whatever is not good is absolutely not good.This sickness ( stomach ache) can lead to death if the stomach aches happen at midnight and there is no nearby hospital for the sickness to be treated. Many have gone, on the journey to hospital may God save us from untimely death.


Get fresh bitter leaves, rinse well and put in a clean bowl or basin. Get half a cup of water and pour into the basin containing the bitter leaves.

Adda tablespoonful of salt to it. After adding salt, squeeze the bitter leaves very well by rubbing the leaves between your palms to drain green water out of it.

Sieve, and pour the leaves away, then add four tablespoons of original honey to the green water.

Give two tablespoons of this mixture to a person suffering from stomach ache. By God’s grace, the stomach ache will be cured and the person will get relief as the person will excrete the unwanted load in his or her body.


God said in the Bible that “He will have mercy on whom He will have mercy on and compassion on whom He will have compassion on. May God have compassion on us ( amen). If you want to receive favor everywhere you go, buy a perfume that has scent, pour two tablespoons of honey into it, after that, add a pinch of salt into it.

Always rub your face with it every morning and seek God’s favor of men and women. By the special grace of God, the user of this mixture will receive favor wherever he or she seeks favor.

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